Cancellation and Return Policy
Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
To request a return, please email us at Our customer service team will respond within 48 hours of your request and will provide you with a return label. Once you receive authorization, the item(s) must be shipped to us within 7 days.
The item(s) must be in original condition with the original packaging, all tags attached, and packing slip. We will not accept any garments that appear to have been worn, washed, or altered in any way.
Original shipping charges are non-refundable. You are responsible for all return shipping charges. We are not responsible for lost or stolen return packages.
Returns must be requested within 14 days of receiving your item and returned to us within 21 days. Once we receive your return, please allow 3-5 business days for your return to be processed.
Please note, no hand-delivered returns will be accepted.
International returns are accepted. Return Shipping and reverse duties are the responsibility of the customer.
If your return does not meet the conditions outlined above, we reserve the right to refuse refund.
If you believe an item you've purchased from us is faulty, incorrect or you're missing an item, contact us at with images so that we can determine the next course of action. All claims need to be made within 7 days of receiving your order.
We have rental options available for most styles. Email for further information.